A total of eight students of Senior High School (SMA) 2 Negeri Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province won at the "World Invention Competition Exhibition" (WICE) 2022 held in Malaysia."In the world-class scientific writing competition, we sent three teams which won two gold and silver and won special awards," said Head of SMAN 2 Palangka Raya M. Mi'razulhaidi MPd in Palangka Raya on Wednesday.
He explained that the world-class competition which was held thanks to the cooperation of several parties, such as the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and Universitas Segi Malaysia, was attended by 41 countries."Among them are Turkey, America, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia with competition categories at the elementary to college levels. On this occasion our children participated in the high school level category. Compete with participants from Indonesia and other foreign countries," he said.
At the event, his party sent eight students divided into three teams. The SMAN 2 students who succeeded in making Indonesia proud on the world stage consisted of four grade 11 students and four grade 10 students.A total of eight students, Esther Nmuena Manalu and Daniella Nmuena Manalu as team one, Dalbertakza wicaksana and Livia Isabel Apriliani team two, and Keziakasinta Tumon, Ellynia Audrey, Ni AlyceziaPrastika Putri Larashanty team three.The work of SMAN 2 Palangka Raya students wraps high-protein foods such as fish and meat, hepatitis drugs, and whitefly exterminator fertilizer on environmentally friendly plants.
In this high-protein food wrapper, it has various benefits and moderate to strong inhibitory power so that it is resistant to microbes that cause spoilage in fish meat, animal meat. In hepatitis drugs studied and displayed at the event, it has the potential to treat type B hepatitis based on the results of medical records of use.
The third study is whitefly exterminator fertilizer on plants that is environmentally friendly and is a multi-functional product, made from natural ingredients of chicken egg shell waste, banana peels, cinnamon, old coconut water and babadotan leaves and collaborated with micro. Its function is as a repellent and exterminator of whitefly and increases the growth of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plant seeds in peat soil.
Mi'razulhaidi, who also accompanied the students in the competition, admitted that he was proud of the's achievements, which made SMAN 2 Palangka Raya proud, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan, and even the name of Indonesia in the international arena."This means that students in 'Beautiful City' have superior quality and are even able to compete with overseas students. We are proud of them," he said.
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